Friday, August 25, 2023
My heart was with you all today. I am so sorry I could not be there in person, but I was there in my heart and in spirit. I have a memory that keeps flashing ever so clearly through my mind of Ben, of when we were small children. We were all staying out at the cabin, being five years younger than me, we must have been somewhere around 13 and 8. Tyler, Tony myself and Ben were all going to sleep at our cabin up on the porch. And Ben started to feel sad because he missed his mom and wanted to go home which would’ve been a walk up the hill to Waren and Fay’s house. I told Ben I was willing to walk him up there because I knew exactly how it felt to miss my mom and have a hard time staying the night at peoples houses. I convinced him to stay because I told him he would regret it later when he got home and how much fun we were going to have in the morning having breakfast and going to the river together. And he ended up staying. Looking back now. I could feel the bond that he had with his mother was very strong, and he loved her very much and I saw that throughout his whole life with her. And it always made me proud and honored to know a man like Ben, who had such regard and respect and love for the women in his life. His grandmother, his mother, his wife..
This truly is , the most catastrophic tragic loss our family has ever encountered. My thoughts and heart and love are with you all. My deepest condolences. Genevieve.