Obituary of Jennifer Schnabel
A dedicated wife, mother, and homemaker, Jennifer (Parr) Schnabel passed away on July 16th
2023 at 52 years of age in Placerville, CA.
Jenny is survived by her loving husband Terry Schnabel and her five children: Katherine,
Jonathan, Jessica, Abigail, and Isabelle. She is predeceased by her cherished mother Dorothy
Katherine (Robinson)Parr and her father Robert Stephen Parr. Jenny is also survived by her six
older siblings: Mike, Randy, Cindy (Hardy), Richard, Chris and David.
The youngest of her siblings, Jenny was born on September 17th, 1970 in Oakland, CA. After
graduating from Upper Lake Highschool, she moved to Alameda to attend community college
classes. Moving to the Sacramento area, Jenny lived with and near her mother to care for her.
On July 9th, 1994 she married her beloved husband, Terry Schnabel. They bought their first
home together in Citrus Heights where they began to raise their family, eventually settling in El
Dorado County.
Living her life as a devoted homemaker, Jenny raised and taught her five children for most of
their early education. She enjoyed cultivating bountiful gardens as well as seeking any
opportunity to make things from scratch. Enjoying time in nature, both at home and hiking with
loved ones, Jenny fostered an appreciation for wildlife, especially birds. She attended various
churches in the Placerville area, immersing herself in the Gospel, her daily devotions and
scripture where she would find peace.
A funeral service will be held at Lodi Funeral Home, 725 S. Fairmont Ave, at 10AM on July 29th . The family welcomes
all those who would like to attend.
Graveside services will be held at noon for close friends and family at the Lodi Memorial Cemetery.
Funeral Service
In Loving Memory
Jennifer Schnabel
1970 - 2023