Obituary of Rafaela H. Powers
Rafaela H Powers was born on October 25, 1926 and passed away at the age of 96.
In the waking hours of January 5, 2023, Rafaela H Powers passed away peacefully. She lived a full life and is at peace now. She has gone on to stay with those who have passed before her. She is with her parents Crescencio and Maria Hernandez and several brothers and sisters, her beloved husband Russell Powers and her dear sons, Jesus Soto and Ruben Munoz.
She will be joining her beloved husband to rest at the Cherokee Memorial Cemetery in Lodi, CA.
She is survived by her son Jesus Soto’s children. There are 5 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren: Kaly Soto – Lindsey (Christy) Soto and their sons, Diego and Mateo – Kirstin (Drake) Dowsett and their daughter, Teresa – Megan (Otis) Laney and their sons, Miles and Julian – Erin (Andy) Harville and their son, Dylan.
She is also survived by her daughter, Maria (Randy) Jett and 1 granddaughter, 2 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandson: Dusty (Graham) Wilson and her daughter, Jessica Russell, her son Dillon (Erica) Russell and her grandson, Wesley.
She is also survived by her siblings, Teresa Houar, Lydia Hernandez, Consuelo Hernandez and several nephews and nieces and their families.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to your favorite charity. If you want to send flowers, please give them to a person whom you would want to let know how much you care for and appreciate them.
We also want to thank the Hospice Staff and the Care Home Caregivers who cared for Rafaela Powers
during her last years with all of us.
In Loving Memory
Rafaela Powers
1926 - 2023